Modelo de funciones ejecutivas basado en análisis factoriales en población infantil y escolar

Model of executive functions based on factorial analyses in child and school populations: a meta-analysis

6.1kviewsIntroduction. Executive functions are defined as a set of skills that are involved in various activities which are novel to the individual and which require a creative solution. It is not easy or straight forward…

Modelo de funciones ejecutivas basado en análisis factoriales

Model of executive functions based on factorial analyses: a meta-analysis

4.5kviewsIntroduction. Since Lezak coined the term executive functions to refer to the mental capabilities that are considered essential for performing efficacious, creative and socially acceptable behaviour, they have gradually grown in importance in neuropsychological research….

Ponencia gratuita de Javier Tirapu sobre neuropsicologia en funciones ejecutivas

Free lecture (in Spanish) by Javier Tirapu on neuropsychology in executive functions

5.4kviewsThe National Clinical Neuroscience Award, Javier Tirapu, will give two free online lectures on neuropsychology in executive functions for NeuronUP Academy. The first one will take place on October 3rd at 3.30 p.m. (time in…

¡¡¡Primeras novedades!!! Más fichas infantiles y mejoras en las fichas de papel de adulto

Improvements to worksheets notice

6.8kviewsWe thought we’d give you a hand so you can face the upcoming year in the best possible way and we have thought that the best way to do that would be to make improvements…

Tratamiento rehabilitador del trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación (TDC)

Rehabilitation treatment for developmental coordination disorder (DCD)

16.3kviewsFrom childhood onwards, we acquire information about how to perform specific tasks unconsciously and from experience. This information is stored and consolidated in our implicit (or procedural) memory to be retrieved when we face the…

Intervención con NeuronUP en la nueva versión de la actividad de la vida diaria "Vístete"

Intervention on a basic activity of daily living (dressing) with NeuronUP

7.8kviewsAs explained in a previous post, according to the framework developed by the American Occupational Therapy Association AOTA (1), activities of daily living (ADLs) are activities oriented toward taking care of one’s own body. ADLs also…

Salud cerebro-cardiovascular: Relación entre cardiopatía y deterioro cognitivo y cerebral

Cardiovascular and brain health: Association between heart disease and cognitive impairment

5.5kviewsInevitably, the brain is the organ that captures neuropsychologists’ attention. At the same time, it is obvious that the brain is not an independent or isolated entity but part of a complex system such as…

¿Cómo afecta el insomnio a nuestras funciones ejecutivas?

How does insomnia affect executive functions?

14.1kviewsHow does insomnia affect executive functions? In today’s society, sleep problems are much more common than in previous decades. This is due, among other factors, to the sensory overstimulation which we are subjected to on a…