Trabajar las funciones ejecutivas en niños y adolescentes

Executive functions in children and adolescents

31.6kviewsThanks to this post, you will further your understanding of executive functions in children and adolescents, with a special emphasis on ADHD and executive function problems. In addition, you will learn a number of strategies…


Executive functions: Can they be improved?

17kviewsMost recent studies in the field of neuropsychology and functional neuroimaging have highlighted the importance of executive functions (EF). Thanks to this post, you will learn more about the significance of executive functions in your…

La toma de decisiones desde el punto de vista de la psicología

Decision Making from a Psychological Perspective

43.8kviewsThe importance of decision making lies in the fact that it is one of the most complex cognitive processes dealt with by human beings. From the moment we get up, until we go to bed,…

Ejercicios para trabajar el razonamiento en niños

Activities for improving reasoning in children

95.6kviewsCognitive stimulation is a fundamental neuropsychological technique for improving mental capacity in people. When applied to children, cognitive stimulation aims to improve basic cognitive processes, including memory, attention, and reasoning. Today, we focus on activities…

5 Actividades para mejorar las funciones ejecutivas

Activities to improve executive functions

191.6kviewsAs we promised, today we are sharing some activities to improve executive functions. Activities to improve executive functions:      1. Bottle Caps In this exercise, clients have to arrange the moving bottle caps in…

Las funciones ejecutivas: qué son, tipos y cómo mejorarlas

Executive functions: what they are, types, and how to improve them

25.8kviewsExecutive functions are higher-order skills involved in the energization, regulation, sound execution and on-line readjustment of goal-directed behaviors (Verdejo-García & Bechara, 2010). In other words, the executive functions are the “tools” that guide our actions,…