Memoria de trabajo y memoria a corto plazo: distinción y actualización

Working memory and short-term memory: distinction and revision

53.6kviewsOne distinction we usually make when talking about different human memory systems is between working memory and short-term memory. In the existing literature, some authors consider short-term memory to be a subset of working memory,…

La toma de decisiones desde el punto de vista de la psicología

Decision Making from a Psychological Perspective

43.8kviewsThe importance of decision making lies in the fact that it is one of the most complex cognitive processes dealt with by human beings. From the moment we get up, until we go to bed,…

Ejercicios para trabajar el razonamiento en niños

Activities for improving reasoning in children

95.6kviewsCognitive stimulation is a fundamental neuropsychological technique for improving mental capacity in people. When applied to children, cognitive stimulation aims to improve basic cognitive processes, including memory, attention, and reasoning. Today, we focus on activities…

La cognición social o cómo comprender a las personas: ejercicios de cognición social

Social Cognition or Understanding Others: Social Cognition Activities

40.5kviewsDo you know, thanks to which cognitive function are we capable of interpreting other people’s emotions? Can you identify the function responsible for understanding what others might think in certain situations? Or do you know…

Fichas de memoria para mayores

Memory games for seniors: Worksheets for improving memory

34.1kviewsA couple of weeks ago, our blog entry focused on worksheets for improving attention and memory in children and adults. In today’s post, we introduce 5 memory exercises for older adults developed by NeuronUP. 5…

Heminegligencia: La mitad de todo

Hemineglect: The Half of Everything

25.1kviewsHow many times have you gone to the fridge or the closet looking for something specific, and even though you had what you were looking for right in front of you, you didn’t see it?…

Terapia ocupacional: objetivos y funciones

Occupational therapy: Characteristics, goals, and functions

128.6kviewsOccupational Therapy (OT) is a health profession recognized by law (Law 44/2003 of 21 November on the Regulation of Health Professions); entry to occupational therapy practice requires specific university-level education. Occupational therapists, as members of…

Fichas de atención y memoria para niños y adultos

Worksheets for improving attention and memory in children and adults

126.2kviewsWorksheets for improving attention and memory are vital when training these cognitive functions in both children and adults. But why is it important to train attention and memory? Attention is the ability that allows us to…