Dislexia: qué es, síntomas, tipos y ejercicios para disléxicos

Dyslexia: meaning, symptoms, types and dyslexic activities

572.1kviewsDyslexia is a specific learning disorder characterized by an impaired ability to recognize words, slow and hesitantreading, and poor reading comprehension. This neurodevelopmental disorder is estimated to affect approximately one in ten children, there by…

¿Qué es la atención? Problemas y actividades para trabajar la atención

What is attention? Problems and activities to train attention

21.7kviewsDefinition of attention Attention is the process of directing cognitive resources towards certain aspects of the environment, or towards the execution of certain actions that seem most appropriate. It refers to the state of observation…

Trastorno del lenguaje

Specific language impairment

67kviewsSpecific language impairment (SLI) is a serious and long-lasting developmental disorder that affects the acquisition and development of spoken language. It can affect either comprehension, expression, or both. It is classified as a “heterogeneous” disorder…

Tratamiento rehabilitador del trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación (TDC)

Rehabilitation treatment for developmental coordination disorder (DCD)

16.3kviewsFrom childhood onwards, we acquire information about how to perform specific tasks unconsciously and from experience. This information is stored and consolidated in our implicit (or procedural) memory to be retrieved when we face the…

Lateralidad cruzada y dificultades de aprendizaje: actividades para trabajar la lateralidad

Crossed laterality and learning difficulties

61.1kviews What is laterality? Laterality is the distribution of functions across the two cerebral hemispheres. The preference for one side of the body over the other (right or left) to perform actions depends on this distribution….

¿El TDAH aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar problemas de conducta?

Does ADHD increase the risk for developing behavior disorders?

8.3kviewsWhat are behavior disorders? Behavior disorders or problems are one of the main reasons why parents turn to health professionals. They are characterized by serious, repetitive and persistent misbehavior. It goes far beyond being a…

Estimulación cognitiva

Cognitive stimulation: cognitive stimulation activities

13.5kviewsCognitive stimulation involves a range of activities aimed at maintaining or improving cognitive function. It targets cognitive domains such as orientation, attention, memory, language, executive functions, gnosis, praxis, visuospatial skills, social cognition, etc. Cognitive stimulation…

Trastornos del neurodesarrollo: concepto, tipos y tratamiento

Neurodevelopmental disorders: concept, types and treatment

94kviewsAn estimated 5% to 10% of the population are affected by neurodevelopmental disorders whichtypically onset in childhood, prior to puberty, in the developmental period. Any changes or alterations in the complex process of brain development…