Nueva ficha de memoria de trabajo

New working memory worksheet


This week we have many new features: a new working memory worksheet, an improvement in the ‘Exact Payments’ activity… Keep reading, we’ll tell you all about it!

1. New working memory worksheet

Starting today you have available in digital format the worksheet ‘Image sequence recognition’.. 

Printable version

This activity was already available on paper, but in addition to digitizing it, we have updated its printed version.

How is it played?

Each worksheet consists of memorizing a series of drawings in order and then recognizing the sequence, among the various response options offered.

As you advance in level, you must memorize more elements and there will be more and more similar answer options.

Unlike other NeuronUP activities where the user must memorize a series of elements and then remember them freely, in this case we work on the recognition after memorization, a fundamental work in certain pathologies.

See in the next video how to play ‘Image sequence recognition’! 👇


What cognitive functions does this activity work?

This activity is to reinforce working memory.



3. Improvement in the activity ‘Exact payments’

Thanks to the suggestion of Rosa Martín, a professional from the La Asunción Charitable Foundation, we have included a new parameter in the activity ‘Exact payments’.  

Now when customizing this game you can also choose which is the largest bill or coin that will appear to our user..

This improvement is also available in the children’s version ‘Pocket Money‘.




Suggestions or comments

Let’s hope you make the most of this activity!

If you would like to give us your opinion or suggest any new activity, write to us at [email protected], call us at +1-305-424-8333 or contact us through social networks and we will help you!

Please 🙏, help us to improve and when you try this new activity tell us if you find it useful!

All the best,

The NeuronUP team



4 thoughts on “New working memory worksheet

  1. Yolanda Ortiz Tuesday May 5th, 2020 at 05:12 PM

    quisiera ver juegos que trabajen los mismos contenidos para reforzar funciones cognitivas en personas con discapacidad intelectual , por tanto no juegos con imagenes infantiles

    • NeuronUP Tuesday May 5th, 2020 at 05:40 PM

      Hola, Yolanda:

      ¡Gracias por tu interés! Las actividades son de NeuronUP. NeuronUP es nuestra plataforma de rehabilitación y estimulación cognitiva para profesionales.

      Puedes solicitar una prueba gratuita en este enlace para acceder a más contenido:

      Un saludo

  2. Carla Wednesday October 28th, 2020 at 11:34 AM

    Utilizo NeuronUp y me parece una herramienta extraordinaria para trabajar de forma presencial como a surge una duda al momento de crear una sesión y poner una ficha dentro de las actividades, ¿hay alguna forma de que la persona sólo realice, por ejemplo, el nivel básico de la ficha?

    • NeuronUP Wednesday October 28th, 2020 at 01:49 PM

      Hola, Carla:
      ¡Gracias por tu comentario! Nos alegra mucho de que nuestra herramienta te sea útil para trabajar con tus usuarios. Te dejo un vídeo sobre cómo personalizar las activdiades de las sesiones:

      De todas formas te envío un correo electrónico para tratar de resolverte tu tuda de forma más precisa.

      ¡un saludo!

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