La doctora Sarah Raskin imparte una ponencia en inglés sobre evaluación y tratamiento de posibles déficits de memoria

Sarah Raskin


Dr Sarah Raskin will give a free online presentation on “Assessment and Treatment of Prospective Memory Deficits. You can sign up now!

Dr. Sarah Raskin

Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.

Dr. Raskin received her BA in Behavioral Biology from Johns Hopkins University and her PhD in Neuropsychology from the City University of New York Graduate Center.

She is Board Certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology-Clinical Neuropsychology and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Divisions 22 and 40, and the National Academy of Neuropsychology.

She has published numerous articles investigating neuropsychological functions and cognitive rehabilitation for a variety of disorders, including brain injury.

She co-authored the Memory for Intentions Test (MIST) published by Psychological Assessment Resources.

She is co-author with Catherine Mateer of Neuropsychological Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, published by Oxford University Press (2000) and is the editor of Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation, published by Guilford Press (2011). She was also guest editor of a special issue of The Clinical Neuropsychologist on prospective memory (2018).

Teaching Experience & Areas of Specialty

The relationship between the brain and behavior
Human neuropsychology
Cognitive neuroscience
Plasticity of the brain due to experience

Courses taught

ISP_-118 Interdisciplinary Science Research Apprentice Laboratory
NESC-201 Principles of Neuroscience
NESC-388 Current Issues in Neuroscience
NESC-800 Graduate Seminar in Neuroscience
NESC-865 Cognitive and Social Neuroscience
PSYC-261 Brain and Behavior
PSYC-365 Cognitive and Social Neuroscience
PSYC-392 Human Neuropsychology
PSYC-401 Senior Seminar: Psychology of Aging


  • Fellow, American Psychological Association, Divisions 22 and 40, 2017
  • Trinity College Trustee Award for Faculty Excellence, 2017
  • Co-recipient Maria Miller Stewart Award, Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund, 2017
  • Fellow, National Academy of Neuropsychology, 2016
  • Charles A. Dana Research Professorship, Trinity College (2015-2017)
  • Mary Erskine Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Mentorship, Northeast Undergraduate Research on Neuroscience, 2015
  • Co-PI The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). “Alcohol and Drug Use in College Students: Cognition and fMRI.” Funding to Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center, Trinity College and Central Connecticut State University, 2008
  • Catherine Bontke Memorial Award for Professional Research and Service to Brain Injury from the Brain Injury Association of Connecticut, 2006
  • Hughes Foundation Grant “Brain Injury Prevention Program for Middle School Students” with the Brain Injury Association of CT and the Looking In Theatre Company, 2005
  • Kellogg Foundation Grant for Learning Corridor Collaboration “Use of an internet site for problem based learning collaboration between The Trinity class in Brain and Behavior and the Science High School class in Physiology,” 2004
  • Atlantic Philanthropies Grant for Community Collaboration “Health Education of Migrant Farmworkers with the Connecticut Council on Occupational Safety and Health,” 2004
  • Arthur H. Hughes Award for Teaching Achievement, Trinity College, 2002

More information

Learn more about Dr. Raskin’s work and research by visiting her Trinity College profile.
Or dive deeper into the many interesting things happening at Raskin Labs. Take a look at Dr. Raskins research work, publications, press and awards, her work with students, lab photos and more!


What is NeuronUP Academy?

The platform of neurorehabilitation NeuronUP ,launches NeuronUP Academy, a training academy geared towards professionals working in rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation.
This initiative was born with the idea that neurorehabilitation professionals expand their knowledge by attending free training provided by national and international authorities in the field of rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation.
This online academy is open to all occupational therapists, clinical psychologists, speech language therapy professionals and students working and studying in  processes of rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation and there will be exclusive training for NeuronUP users.

Learn how to use NeuronUP

Sign up to our free online course

Confirmed speakers for NeuronUP Academy 2019 include:


  • Sarah Raskin
  • Amy Rosenbaum
  • Keith Ganci
  • Kristine Kingsley
  • Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner
  • More to be announced soon!

We are sure their presentations will be very interesting!

If you want to know more about NeuronUP Academy speakers, visit the following link:

Sarah Raskin - Assessment and Treatment of Prospective Memory Deficits
NeuronUP Academy, webinar,Formation,Online-free
Starting on
marzo 21, 2019
Ending on
marzo 21, 2019
Sarah Raskin Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. Assessment and Treatment of Prospective Memory Deficits NeuronUP Academy: free neurorehabilitation academy online
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