Ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva para personas con síndrome de Down

Cognitive stimulation exercises for people with Down syndrome

19.2kviewsDown syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome. People with Down syndrome have all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome is not a disease…

ficha de estimulación cognitiva

The 5 most popular cognitive stimulation activities for adults

101kviewsPair up the figures or Repeated words were some of the most popular activities of cognitive stimulation for adults. At NeuronUP, we do not want to miss out on the opportunity to show you most…

Down Madrid

Down Madrid tells us its experience with telerehabilitation

1.2kviewsThe Down Syndrome Foundation of Madrid counts on its experience with NeuronUP and the opportunity that telerehabilitation represents for both professionals and patients. The work of Down Madrid The Madrid Down Syndrome Foundation is an…

Ejercicios de rehabilitación cognitiva para personas con esclerosis múltiple

Cognitive rehabilitation exercises for people with multiple sclerosis

8.6kviewsMultiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that is caused by an unknown virus or antigen. In this case, our body’s immune system attacks myelin, which is a substance that envelops nerve fibers, allowing the transmission…

clínica neuropsicológica

The neuropsychological clinic: what it is, methodology and objectives

4.4kviewsWhat is the Neuropsychological Clinic? The neuropsychological clinic is based on rehabilitation treatments, stimulation and cognitive training programs through NeuronUP and implementation of behavioral therapeutic techniques and strategies. To establish a personal profile we must…

diferencias entre la neurorrehabilitación presencial y online

Are there differences between face-to-face and online neurorehabilitation? Case Study

2.3kviewsThe Bolivian company Consultora-Strategia explains the differences between neurorehabilitation in person and online with the example of a girl with low attention span. , Consultora-Strategia is a company made up of professionals with more than…

Intervención neuropsicológica online

Online neuropsychological intervention in a case with developmental delay

2.5kviewsThe center “Terapias para todos” (Therapies for all) explains their experience performing online neuropsychological intervention with NeuronUP in a patient with developmental delay. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world had to make…

Estimulación neuropsicológica en dislexia

Neuropsychological stimulation in dyslexia with digital tools

5.5kviewsLiteracy is the key that opens a new world of learning in childhood. In this great leap, dyslexia acts as an anchor that prevents progress. Fortunately, neuropsychological stimulation in dyslexia allows children to “unwind”, learn…