Un nuevo reto educativo: ¿Cómo funciona el cerebro de un niño?

A new educational challenge: How does a child’s brain work?

34.2kviewsFor decades, educators have been teaching and educating without knowing the neural connections formed in children at each developmental stage. During their academic and professional training, educators spend part of their time planning, programming, and…

10 Actividades de rehabilitación cognitiva para niños con TDAH

Cognitive rehabilitation activities for children with ADHD

168.3kviewsWe have already talked about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of ADHD and today, on the occasion of ADHD World Awareness Day, NeuronUP recommends cognitive rehabilitation activities for children with ADHD. The following exercises are mainly focused on executive…

Jornada sobre maltrato infantil y discapacidad

Conference on child abuse and disability

3.1kviews“Children with disabilities suffer higher rates of abuse (23, 08%) compared to children without (3, 87%). This is reflected in the report “Maltrato Infantil en la familia en España” (Child Abuse in the Family in…

Modelo de funciones ejecutivas basado en análisis factoriales en población infantil y escolar

Model of executive functions based on factorial analyses in child and school populations: a meta-analysis

6.1kviewsIntroduction. Executive functions are defined as a set of skills that are involved in various activities which are novel to the individual and which require a creative solution. It is not easy or straight forward…

¡¡¡Primeras novedades!!! Más fichas infantiles y mejoras en las fichas de papel de adulto

Improvements to worksheets notice

6.8kviewsWe thought we’d give you a hand so you can face the upcoming year in the best possible way and we have thought that the best way to do that would be to make improvements…

Dislexia: qué es, síntomas, tipos y ejercicios para disléxicos

Dyslexia: meaning, symptoms, types and dyslexic activities

572.1kviewsDyslexia is a specific learning disorder characterized by an impaired ability to recognize words, slow and hesitantreading, and poor reading comprehension. This neurodevelopmental disorder is estimated to affect approximately one in ten children, there by…

Trastorno de aprendizaje no verbal

Non-verbal learning disability

13.9kviewsIt is tempting to try to divide up cognition in order to study it, even though it is established that when we perform a task the whole brain participates in it. More than tempting, it…

Trastorno del lenguaje

Specific language impairment

67kviewsSpecific language impairment (SLI) is a serious and long-lasting developmental disorder that affects the acquisition and development of spoken language. It can affect either comprehension, expression, or both. It is classified as a “heterogeneous” disorder…