Jornada sobre maltrato infantil y discapacidad

Conference on child abuse and disability


“Children with disabilities suffer higher rates of abuse (23, 08%) compared to children without (3, 87%). This is reflected in the report “Maltrato Infantil en la familia en España” (Child Abuse in the Family in Spain), prepared by the Reina Sofía Centre for the Study of Violence in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality and published in 2011 by the aforementioned Ministry. In order to face this reality, a conference on child abuse and disability will be held on the 19th of November.

The Federation of Associations for the Prevention of Child Abuse (FAPMI-ECPAT Spain) together with the Castilian-Leonese Association for the Defence of Children and Youth (REA), with the support and funding of the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare and the collaboration of the Hospital Sisters of Valladolid, organized the “Day “Violence (in)visible. Conocer para caminar hacia el buen trato a la infancia y adolescencia con discapacidad” which will take place next Tuesday 19 November 2019 in Valladolid.

Objectives of the conference on child abuse and disability

  1. To create a context for the exchange of professional experiences in the field of childhood, and more specifically disability.
  2. To reflect on the needs and the paths to be traced in the good treatment of children with disabilities.
  3. To collaborate with all the agents involved in the care and treatment of disabled children and adolescents in order to improve their quality of life and well-being.
  4. To expose other realities within violence to children that remain invisible.
  5. Reinforce the need for coordinated work and networking of all professionals from different fields in the good treatment of children (social, health, education, sport, etc.).
  6. To expose testimonies and good practices that serve to trace the way towards the proposal of lines of action in the good treatment.


Professionals from different fields (social, educational, health, judicial, etc.) who are in direct or indirect contact with disabled children and adolescents and their families:

  • Psychologists and neuropsychologists, pedagogues, pediatricians, nurses, occupational therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, social educators, social workers, teachers in general, etc.
  • Families.
  • Students of the different disciplines related to children and adolescents and disability.
  • Organisations working in the context of child protection and disability.
  • Citizens interested in training in the prevention of violence against women and girls.
    in general, and in the field of disability in particular.
  • The general public is aware of this reality.

Conference Program on child abuse and disability

Morning session

  • 09:15h-09:30h. Accreditation and delivery in documentation.
  • 10:00h-10:20h. Inauguration of the day.
    • D. Antonio Rodríguez. Managing Director of Benito Menni Hospital.
    • Alejandra Pascual Franch. Criminologist, General Coordinator of FAPMI-ECPAT Spain.
    • Ms. Vanesa Ramajo Díez. Psychologist. General Coordinator of REA.
  • 10:20h-12:00h. Table 1: Challenges and achievements from the health field against invisible violence in disabled children.
    • Violence towards disabled children. Challenges and good practices from the health field.
      • D. Luis Rodríguez Molinero. Doctor in medicine, paediatrician accredited by the A.E.P. in Adolescent Medicine.
    • Health care and intellectual disability: A.S.I. Program
      • Mrs. Mª Carmen Iglesias Moreno. Nurse specialist in Mental Health. Río Hortega Hospital (Valladolid).
    • The personal assistant from the health field: support in the inclusive leisure in childhood with disability.
      • Mrs. Clara González Pérez. Health Psychologist at Hermanas Hospitalarias. Social and Health Centre (Palencia)
    • Presented by: Mrs. Vanesa Ramajo. Psychologist. General Coordinator of REA.
  • 12:00h-12:30h. Rest
  • 12:30h-14:00h. Table 2. Sexual violence in people with disabilities. Double discrimination: disability + woman.
    • Images of child sexual violence on the internet. Profiles with greater vulnerability. The path of prevention in the virtual world.
      • Alejandra Pascual Franch. Criminologist, Coordinator of programs of FAPMI-ECPAT Spain.
    • Detection of sexual abuse and peculiarities in children with disabilities.
      • Mrs. Raquel Raposo Ojeda. Psychologist ADIMA. Secretary of FAPMI.
        Protocol of action before the suspicion of sexual abuse in people with disabilities.
      • Mrs. Laura Rodríguez Díaz. Psychologist, therapist in the Unit of Attention to Victims with Disability (UAVDI), of the Foundation A LA PAR.
    • Presentation: Mrs. Alicia Pérez Montes. Psychologist. ADAVASYMT Valladolid.



Afternoon Session

  • 16:30h-19:00h. Table 3: Table of experiences and testimonies, good practices.
    • Testimony: To be the mother of two girls with ASD: educational, health and social needs.
      • Mrs. Antonia Atienza Sierra. Mother
    • Good practices from the cultural context: “Dance without borders”: Dance as a resource for integration and good treatment. Dance Academy. Segovia
      • Mrs. Laura García Blanco. Artist, trainer and coach.
      • Isabel Tabares García. Psychologist. Technician of REA in Segovia.
    • Experience in sport and disability.
      • To be determined(TBD).
    • Presented by: Mr. Antonio Rodríguez. Manager of Benito Menni Hospital.
  • 19:00h-19:30h Reflections and closing of the day

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Points to note

  • Date: martes 19 de noviembre de 2019
  • Place: Salón de Actos. Padre Benito Menni Hospital Center. Paseo Juan Carlos I, nº 10, 47008 Valladolid

Registration for the conference on child abuse and disability

  • Free registration until full capacity is reached.
  • Pre-registration is required.
  • Online registration form: form
    • Step 1: Fill out the online reservation form.
    • Step 2: receive an email with the confirmation of the inscription on the part of the Technical Secretariat of the Day.



Más información sobre la jornada sobre maltrato infantil y discapacidad

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