Traumatismo craneoencefálico y su rehabilitación neuropsicológica en funciones ejecutivas

Neuropsychological rehabilitation of executive functions following traumatic brain injury

25.6kviewsTraumatic brain injury (TBI) is a critical public health problem due to both its high mortality rates and the disabilities experienced by TBI survivors such as cognitive, emotional, familial, social and occupational difficulties that affect…

Aplicaciones de la neuromodulación en neurorrehabilitación

Applications of neuromodulation in neurorehabilitation

11.9kviewsMore than a century of research showed that solving the nine-dot problem was impossible. The exercise involves connecting all nine dots with four straight lines. Difficulty in solving the problem remained even after giving hints,extended…

El Cerebro Sexual: Neurociencia y diferencias ligadas al sexo

The Sexual Brain: Neuroscience and sex-related differences

22.4kviewsThe origin of brain sexuality It is common knowledge that there are anthropomorphic differences between women and men depending onsex. Not only are there biological differences between males and females, but recent neuroscience research has…

Nueva serie para niños con daño cerebral: POPI & PEPA

New series for kids with brain injury: POPI & PEPA

7.8kviewsThe Fundación DACER presents Popi&Pepa, an audiovisual animated series aimed at children who are hospitalized as a result ofa brain injury. The series can be viewed on YouTube: The series for kids with brain…

¿Qué es la resiliencia?

What is resilience?

12.8kviews“I am a fortunate man. Nothing in my life has been easy” (Sigmund Freud)  In life, sooner or later, we all deal with difficult events: the illness or death of a loved one, a romantic…

Rehabilitación de la atención selectiva

Rehabilitation of selective attention

21.1kviewsAttention is a complex cognitive function that has been researchedfromseveral scientific fields—from neuropsychology to cognitive neurosciencevia psychometrics and even electrophysiology. This has resulted in the development of multiple models that attempt to explain this ability…

El Efecto Pigmalión y la fuerza de las expectativas

The Pygmalion Effect and the Power of Expectations

18.3kviews What is the Pygmalion effect? The Pygmalion effect refers to the more or less conscious interpretation and belief of how reality should be. We, therefore,adapt our behavior, thoughts and attitudes to meet expectations. The Pygmalion…

¡Diseña tu postal navideña personalizada en NeuronUP!

Design Your Own Custom Christmas Card in NeuronUP!

7.3kviewsChristmas is just around the corner and at NeuronUP we want to celebrate it with you… in an original way.  Let us help you create a custom Christmas card and give you the opportunity to…