El Doctor en Patología Neurológica Ángel Sánchez Cabeza realizará una ponencia sobre las repercusiones funcionales de las apraxias

The PhD in Neurological Pathology, Ángel Sánchez Cabeza, will give a presentation on the functional repercussions of apraxias

16.7kviewsThe occupational therapist, researcher and PhD in Neurological Pathology, Ángel Sánchez Cabeza, will give a free online presentation on the functional repercussions of apraxias on March 20 at NeuronUP Academy. You can sign up now!…

NeuronUP acudirá a la feria de salud HIMSS en Las Vegas

NeuronUP to attend the HIMSS Annual Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas

7.1kviewsCloud based platform dedicated to professionals working in neurorehabilitation and cognitive stimulation to exhibit at leading healthcare information and technology conference with demos, free trials and meetings with industry leaders NeuronUP will be on hand…

Rehabilitación de la atención alternante - Rehabilitation of alternating attention

Rehabilitation of alternating attention

35.2kviewsAs already discussed in a previous blog post, the most frequently used theoretical model for the rehabilitation of attention is the clinical model of Sohlberg and Mateer, in which attention is divided hierarchically into five…

El deporte es el mejor aliado de nuestro cerebro

Exercise is our brain’s best ally

32.9kviewsPhysical activity and mental health It is known that exercising regularly has multiple beneficial effects for our bodies.Specifically, physical activity improveshealth and is fundamental to preventing disease. The physicalbenefits of exerciseare well known: maintaining a…

Compuestos serotoninérgicos revelan resultados alentadores en pacientes con esquizofrenia

Compound Serotonin Receptor Shows Encouraging Results in Schizophrenia Patients

16.6kviewsSchizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder with no definite cure yet. It means that someone suffering from the disease will have to endure it for their entire life with only a few ways to manage….

NeuronUP acudirá a la feria de salud HIMSS en Las Vegas

El País presents the Neuroscience and Psychology collection

17.7kviewsUnderstanding our minds helps us know ourselves better. Given this premise, the Spanish newspaper El País presents the Neurociencia y Psicología (“ Neuroscience and Psychology ”) collection, which brings together experts in both fieldsto offer…

Portada » Divulgación » El funcionamiento social en la esquizofrenia EspañolEnglish esquizofrenia - schizophrenia El funcionamiento social en la esquizofrenia

Social functioning in schizophrenia

11.5kviewsInterpersonal difficulties have been widely described in individuals with psychosis spectrum disorders and, specifically, they are a major feature of schizophrenia. The most common social deficits include, for example, problems in conversing, managing conflict, or…

¡Lucía Zumárraga será la próxima ponente de NeuronUP Academy!

Lucía Zumárraga will be NeuronUP Academy´s next speaker!

18.7kviewsFollowing the success of Pablo Duque´s presentation, held on 24 January and dedicated of transdisciplinarity, NeuronUP Academy plans to continue throughout 2018 with different free cognitive and rehabilitation training sessions The neuropsychologist Lucía Zumárraga will…