NeuronUP vuelve al cole con cuatro nuevas actividades infantiles

Back To School With Four New Activities For Kids

14.6kviews The Back to School reaches NeuronUP with four activities for cognitive exercises for children. A game and three generators focused on basic language and mathematics. Firstly, we present “Find Toby”, a game in which…

Ya está aquí NeuronUP Kids! Rehabilitación cognitiva para niños

NeuronUp Kids is here!

10kviewsNeuronUP continues to grow and this time the protagonists are the youngest members of the family. From today we offer you NeuronUP Kids, a new package of cognitive rehabilitation activities for children. This first package of activities…

Si hasta ahora te ha gustado, ¡ahora viene lo bueno!

If up to now you like it..Now comes the good part!

7kviewsIt seems yesterday, and we already have been three years operating. Three intense years, full of joy and less happy situations, but always in an ongoing learning. A learning given by having and listening to…