Trabajo con personas con síndrome de Down por grupos de edad

Working with people with Down syndrome by age group

1.9kviewsThe Down Syndrome Foundation of Cantabria explains their work with people with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome Foundation of Cantabria The Down Syndrome Foundation of Cantabria has been serving people with Down syndrome throughout the region…

La Asociación Síndrome de Down de Castellón aborda el envejecimiento de las personas con síndrome de Down

The Down Syndrome Association of Castellón addresses the aging of people with Down syndrome

2.1kviewsThe Down Syndrome Association of Castellón addresses the aging of people with Down syndrome through NeuronUP.. 1. The Down Syndrome Association of Castellón 1.1 Who are we? This year marks 25 years since, in 1995,…

#DaleLaVuelta por la parálisis cerebral

#DaleLaVuelta (Switch Roles) for Cerebral Palsy

2.5kviews“#DaleLaVuelta” is a campaign created by ASPACE (Spain’s Confederation of Associations for the Care of Persons with Cerebral Palsy) to acknowledge the rights of people with cerebral palsy on the occasion of the World Day…

Tratamiento rehabilitador del trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación (TDC)

Rehabilitation treatment for developmental coordination disorder (DCD)

16.3kviewsFrom childhood onwards, we acquire information about how to perform specific tasks unconsciously and from experience. This information is stored and consolidated in our implicit (or procedural) memory to be retrieved when we face the…

Estimulación cognitiva

Cognitive stimulation: cognitive stimulation activities

13.5kviewsCognitive stimulation involves a range of activities aimed at maintaining or improving cognitive function. It targets cognitive domains such as orientation, attention, memory, language, executive functions, gnosis, praxis, visuospatial skills, social cognition, etc. Cognitive stimulation…

La Dra. Elena Muñoz responde las dudas pendientes sobre la ponencia la estimulación magnética transcraneal en la rehabilitación neuropsicológica

Dr. Elena Muñoz addresses the unanswered questions from her presentation “Transcranial magnetic stimulation in neuropsychological rehabilitation”

10.8kviewsOn May 23rd, the neuropsychologist Elena Muñoz gave a free online presentation at NeuronUP Academy ont ranscranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in neuropsychological rehabilitation. After her talk, a question and answer period was held, but due to time…

El Dr. Marcos Ríos responde las dudas pendientes sobre su ponencia "Lentitud en el procesamiento de la información"

Dr. Marcos Ríos addresses some of the unanswered questions from his presentation “Slow processing speed”

6.6kviewsOn April 25th, the neuropsychologist Marcos Ríos gave a free online presentation at NeuronUP Academy on slow processing speed. After his talk, a question and answer period was held, but due to time limits and the great…

Trastornos del neurodesarrollo: concepto, tipos y tratamiento

Neurodevelopmental disorders: concept, types and treatment

94kviewsAn estimated 5% to 10% of the population are affected by neurodevelopmental disorders whichtypically onset in childhood, prior to puberty, in the developmental period. Any changes or alterations in the complex process of brain development…