telerrehabilitación telerehabilitación

NeuronUP: telerehabilitation platform for professionals



  If you are a professional working in neurorehabilitation and cognitive stimulation and have arrived here looking for a solution help continue with your therapy interventions during this Covid-19 pandemic, we want to offer you a month free use of NeuronUP. Please reach out to Brian to request the free period or to ask any questions!

Telerehabilitation, teletherapy, e-therapy, telemedicine, telehealth, remote therapy are a few of the terms being tossed around in these unprecedented times. They all fall under the same category of ways that allow professionals to perform healthcare services like cognitive rehabilitation remotely through ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and the Internet. It is characterized by the fact that the professional and the person to be rehabilitated are not in the same place.

The advantages of telerehabilitation seem very clear:

  • Continuing rehabilitation from the comfort of the patient’s own home at any time of the day
  • Keeping up with therapy at a distance when the patient or professional is sick, working out of town or on vacation.
  • Avoiding travel, being very important for people with mobility problems.
  • Reinforcing the activities worked on in the clinic or facility
  • Expanding the the clinic’s reach by managing the rehabilitation of patients located in different parts of the world.

Telerehabilitation/teletherapy/telemedicine in times of coronavirus: essential

Traditionally neuro teletherapy is a face to face activity or at most an extra service provided by the more technological savvy neuropsychologists, psychologists, occupational therapists and speech language therapists, but now with the health emergency caused by Covid-19, it has become the only option for cognitive rehabilitation interventions.

The NeuronUP cognitive rehabilitation platform has been offering telerehabilitation for neurorehabilitation professionals for several years.

How to work cognitive telerehabilitation with NeuronUP?

We give you two different ways to work: live telerehabilitation with your patient or  “pre-recorded” telerehabilitation sessions assigned for the patient to do at home on their own.

1. Telerehabilitation with NeuronUP and video conference platforms

If what you want is to telework with your patient “live”, as if you were in the clinical setting, using a videoconferencing program is a great option.

    1. Meet up with your patient through a videoconferencing program. In the following section we give you a list of platforms you could use.
    2. Log in to your NeuronUP account.
    3. Ideally you would be able to use two monitors. One to see the patient’s face and the other to share your screen with NeuronUP’s activities.
    4. The patient performs the activity remotely while the professional observes and evaluates his or her progress.

telerrehabilitación telerehabilitación

Platforms for video conferences

There are a large number of telehealth platforms currently in use, but there are also communication tools that allow us to hold live video conferences and share screens with NeuronUP’s online activities.

  1. Doxy.Me
  2. VSee
  3. Theranest
  4.  SimplePractice
  5. Skype
  6. Zoom
  7. Google Hangouts
  8. Google Meet
  9. GoToMeeting
  10. Cisco

These are just a few examples of video conferencing platforms, but there are many more. We recommend that you review them and choose the one that best suits you and your patients’ needs. We also recommend that you check if it complies with the legislation in your country to develop remote rehabilitation in a professional setting.

2. Telerehabilitation with NeuronUP2GO

telerrehabilitación - telerehaiblitación

If you’re looking for a way for your patients to perform the sessions in their own home and in their own time allowing you analyze the work later, this is your option:  telerehabilitation with NeuronUP2GO.

NeuronUP2GO are the home sessions offered by NeuronUP. How does it work?

  1. The professional registers the patient and creates login credentials so that he/she can access the platform from home.
  2. The professional plans the sessions individually so that each patient can work on the activities from his or her own home.
  3. The professional schedules the sessions for each patient by assigning a range of dates.
  4. The patients connect to the platform and work on the cognitive stimulation exercises from their own home.
  5. The professional receives instantly all the activities’ results, analyzes them and plans the next session.

Here you can read more information about NeuronUP2GO


One thought on “NeuronUP: telerehabilitation platform for professionals

  1. Iqonic Design Monday July 17th, 2023 at 07:00 AM

    NeuronUP is an excellent telerehabilitation platform for professionals. It offers comprehensive tools and resources for effective therapy and remote rehabilitation.I Suggest one more Platform Kivicare-Complete Clinic Management Solution.

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