Libro de neurocognición, cognición social y metacognición en psicósis

Book on neurocognition, social cognition and metacognition in psychosis


Synopsis of the book on neurocognition, social cognition and metacognition in psychosis

This book, published under the label of Ediciones Pirámide and signed by Dr. Carlos Rebolleda Gil, is part of the already very numerous empirical evidence accumulated over the last few decades that shows that people who present some diagnosis within the spectrum of psychosis, in general, present deficits at the neurocognitive level, in social cognition and in metacognition.


Neurocognition is understood as a set of relevant functions such as attention, memory, executive functions, processing speed, etc.; social cognition, as the cognitive processes involved in how people think about themselves, other people, social situations and interactions; and metacognition, as the ability of the individual to reflect on his or her own mental processes, are key processes that have a decisive influence on functional capacity, psychosocial functioning and quality of life.

It is currently known that these deficits, along with other problems, have a decisive influence on the lives of people diagnosed with psychosis and, because of this, they are important objectives to evaluate and intervene in the recovery processes that they carry out.

Book on neurocognition, social cognition and metacognition in psychosis for mental health professionals

Libro de neurocognición, cognición social y metacognición en psicósis

Apart from all those people who may have an interest in the subject, this book, above all, is aimed at mental health professionals who, in one way or another, intervene with people diagnosed with psychotic disorder and are helping them in their recovery processes.

It is intended to be a simple manual in which the main definitions are presented, the deficits that are usually located within each area, the instruments that are generally used for their evaluation and, finally, the techniques, strategies or programs that are most commonly used to address these problems.

The reader is urged to try to leave aside the idea that these areas can only and exclusively be addressed by professionals specialized in neuropsychology and, in turn, try to make a reflective reading trying to see the possible similarities between what is exposed and the difficulties that are usually found in the people they serve.

On the other hand, it would also be useful to reflect on the extent to which, from the rehabilitative perspective that these professionals possess, some of the evaluations or interventions that are exposed in the process of recovery of these people can be useful.


Contents of the book on neurocognition, social cognition and metacognition in psychosis

1. Foreword

2. Neurocognition Part

Neurocognitive deficits in psychosis. Cognitive rehabilitation. Attention. Memory. Processing speed. Executive functions. Working memory. Verbal fluency. The MATRICS committee. Main programs of neurocognitive rehabilitation in psychosis.

3. Social Cognition Part

Emotional processing. Social perception/awareness. Theory of mind. Attributional style. Recommendation of the MATRICS committee for the evaluation of social cognition in psychotic disorders: Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). Main programs for the improvement of social cognition in psychosis.

4. Metacognition Part.

Definition. Evaluation. Rehabilitation.

5. Conclusions and future lines.

About the author

Carlos Rebolleda Gil

is a General Health Psychologist and Doctor in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid. He currently works as a psychologist at the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centre in Aranjuez, managed by the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Line of Hermanas Hospitalarias (LRHP) and linked to the Public Network of Social Care for people with mental illness under the Ministry of Social Policies and Family of the Community of Madrid, making this function compatible with that of Head of the Research Area of the LRHP.

He also collaborates as a guest professor with the University Master in Psychosocial Rehabilitation in Community Mental Health belonging to the Jaume I University and with the Master in General Health Psychology belonging to the International University of La Rioja.

Finally, it should be noted that he has several articles, all of them related to the psychosocial rehabilitation of severe mental disorder.

Where to buy the book “Neurocognition, social cognition and metacognition in psychosis”

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