Rehabilitación de la atención selectiva

Rehabilitation of selective attention

21.1kviewsAttention is a complex cognitive function that has been researchedfromseveral scientific fields—from neuropsychology to cognitive neurosciencevia psychometrics and even electrophysiology. This has resulted in the development of multiple models that attempt to explain this ability…

Heminegligencia: La mitad de todo

Hemineglect: The Half of Everything

25.1kviewsHow many times have you gone to the fridge or the closet looking for something specific, and even though you had what you were looking for right in front of you, you didn’t see it?…

Fichas de atención y memoria para niños y adultos

Worksheets for improving attention and memory in children and adults

126.2kviewsWorksheets for improving attention and memory are vital when training these cognitive functions in both children and adults. But why is it important to train attention and memory? Attention is the ability that allows us to…

Cinco ejercicios para trabajar la atención

Five exercises to improve attention

239.4kviewsYou need to train your attention in order to improve it. Here are some exercises to improve attention in children and adults developed by NeuronUP: Exercises to improve attention 1. Matching Shapes This first activity is…

Problemas de atención: qué son, tipos y síntomas

Attention problems: what are they, types and symptoms

49.2kviewsWe live in a time in which we are swamped with stimuli that make it difficult for us to maintain attention on a task. It is becoming more common to watch a movie while reading…