Dislexia: qué es, síntomas, tipos y ejercicios para disléxicos

Dyslexia: meaning, symptoms, types and dyslexic activities

572.1kviewsDyslexia is a specific learning disorder characterized by an impaired ability to recognize words, slow and hesitantreading, and poor reading comprehension. This neurodevelopmental disorder is estimated to affect approximately one in ten children, there by…

¿Qué es la atención? Problemas y actividades para trabajar la atención

What is attention? Problems and activities to train attention

21.7kviewsDefinition of attention Attention is the process of directing cognitive resources towards certain aspects of the environment, or towards the execution of certain actions that seem most appropriate. It refers to the state of observation…

Trastorno de aprendizaje no verbal

Non-verbal learning disability

13.9kviewsIt is tempting to try to divide up cognition in order to study it, even though it is established that when we perform a task the whole brain participates in it. More than tempting, it…

Todo sobre la memoria

All about memory

6.7kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) We tend to think of our intellectual capacities as single chunks and yet abilities such as memory are rather a structure made up of different compartments. All of them are…

Ponencia online y en inglés de la Dra. Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner sobre daño cerebral leve

Dr. Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner – “Concussion 101: An introduction to mild brain injury”

4.1kviews Information on the free online presentation Title of the conference: “Concussion 101: An introduction to mild brain injury” Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Part 1 of 3 Part 2 of 3 Part 3 of…

Trastorno del lenguaje

Specific language impairment

67kviewsSpecific language impairment (SLI) is a serious and long-lasting developmental disorder that affects the acquisition and development of spoken language. It can affect either comprehension, expression, or both. It is classified as a “heterogeneous” disorder…

Ponencia online y en inglés de la Dra. Kristine Kingsley sobre regulación emocional y daño cerebral adquirido

Kristine Kingsley Online Presentation – Emotional Regulation & Acquired Brain Injury

10.6kviews Information on the free online presentation Title of the conference: “Emotional Regulation & Acquired Brain Injury- an overview of evidenced-based intervention models for dysexecutive problems.” Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this presentation, the…

¡¡¡El 17 de junio lanzamos la nueva web de NeuronUP!!!

On 17 June the updated website will be released!!!

2.9kviewsOn 15 and 16 June the website may suffer outages Write this day in red ink on your calendar: Monday 17 June 2019, because…its the day we’re launching the new updates to the platform! We…