5 Actividades para mejorar las funciones ejecutivas

Activities to improve executive functions

191.7kviewsAs we promised, today we are sharing some activities to improve executive functions. Activities to improve executive functions:      1. Bottle Caps In this exercise, clients have to arrange the moving bottle caps in…

Las enfermedades raras no son invisibles.3Millones de españoles lo saben

Rare Diseases are not invisible

5.7kviewsToday, Rare Disease Day 2017, NeuronUP would like to take this opportunity to give voice to 350 million people worldwide who suffer from a rare disease. What is a rare disease? When speaking of a rare disease,…

Las funciones ejecutivas: qué son, tipos y cómo mejorarlas

Executive functions: what they are, types, and how to improve them

25.9kviewsExecutive functions are higher-order skills involved in the energization, regulation, sound execution and on-line readjustment of goal-directed behaviors (Verdejo-García & Bechara, 2010). In other words, the executive functions are the “tools” that guide our actions,…

Cinco ejercicios para trabajar la atención

Five exercises to improve attention

239.5kviewsYou need to train your attention in order to improve it. Here are some exercises to improve attention in children and adults developed by NeuronUP: Exercises to improve attention 1. Matching Shapes This first activity is…

Problemas de atención: qué son, tipos y síntomas

Attention problems: what are they, types and symptoms

49.2kviewsWe live in a time in which we are swamped with stimuli that make it difficult for us to maintain attention on a task. It is becoming more common to watch a movie while reading…

5 actividades de estimulación cognitiva para niños que debes conocer

The 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children that you should know about

193.3kviewsOur last blog entry was dedicated to the 5 most popular cognitive stimulation activities for adults. Today’s post focuses on kids. We are about to explain the 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children most used…

El TDAH en la infancia: síntomas, diagnóstico y tratamiento

ADHD in children: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

15.9kviewsADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Between 2% and 5% of children and adolescents suffer from this disorder. On average, there are 1 to 2 students who have ADHD in every classroom of 30 students….

Deterioro cognitivo leve en la enfermedad de Parkinson

Mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease

22.8kviewsIf you are a professional working in the field of neurodegeneration, and especially if you work in the field of neuropsychology, you surely know that Parkinson’s disease goes far beyond tremor and muscle rigidity. Parkinson’s, in…