eHealth somos todos

We all are eHealth


Last week we attended the I Tomando el Pulso a la Salud Digital Meeting (Checking the Pulse of eHealth) organized by the eHealth Association. For those who don´t know it, this Association´s objective is to become a plural meeting point for eHealth, where present and future of our society can be expressed in their full potential. You can consult here its webpage and its Statement.

I would like to greet this initiative and for being so brave to organize this kind of event.

I´m going to highlight the event´s contents, and then I will express my very own opinion.

The first keynote by Claus F. Nielsen called: Personalizing health for people: Stop talking – start acting was very interesting. He talked about the difficulties a father faces to control his child´s diabetes, and how he has been testing several wearable models.

Next they held a round table on “The State of the situation of eHealth Indicators” . It was very clear stated that there is a lack of standards in health data codification, and the problem this raises.

The following speech presented one of the first projects the Association is going to develop, which is the eHealth Observatory.

In his speech “European Finincing R&D&I eHealth”, Mario Carabaño informed us about the opportunities Europe brings for fininancing eHealth projects.

In the after lunch session, the first presentation focused on big corporations and the projects they are developing  in eHealth: Por la tarde, La primera ponencia se dedicó a las grandes empresas y los proyectos que desarrollan en este ámbito: Siemens, General Electric, Deloitte, Telefónica.  Many lights to their developments, but also some shadows.

Finally Public Administrations showed us their advances, but regretfully without a common vision as a country.

We heard a lot about gathering clinical histories data and assesment systems data (scaner, pathologic anatomy, etc..), connected clinical services,.. All great projects headed by big shots and already implemented in some regions. But in the Health industry, and specifically in Bio and Digital sectors, there are also big projects in the several years of established companies. Some of them are already trading in MAB, and small startups like NeuronUP, that in only three years operating have already reached 1,300 professionals working with the platform in 10 countries. We do hope that in the next events we can also talk about the population we are working with, whose importance and magnitude is well proven given the national and global figures.

Brain Damage:

  • It is the second cause of death in the world. In global terms, about 9 million people have survived to a brain vascular accident.
  • According to the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (National Stats Institute) we have 100,000 new cases in Spain each year.
  • Prevalence of brain vascular accident is estimated about 80-50 cases every 10,000 people.

Neurodegenerative Diseases:

  • Alzheimer´s Disease: 24.2 million people suffer from dementia worlwide and 4.6 million cases arise every year.
  • Multiple Sclerosis: An estimated 2,500,000 people in the world have multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson: Worldwide, based on the available prevalence studies, there are likely to be more than 6 million people with Parkinson’s Disease. However, due to so many people with Parkinson’s Disease remaining undiagnosed, there may be millions more

Mental Illness:

  • The Prevalence Rate for schizophrenia is approximately 1.1% of the population over the age of 18 (source: NIMH) or, in other words, at any one time as many as 51 million people worldwide suffer from schizophrenia, including.

Intellectual Disability:

  • The prevalence of intellectual disability across all 52 studies included in the meta-analysis was 10.37/1000 population. The estimates varied according to income group of the country of origin, the age-group of the study population, and study design. The highest rates were seen in countries from low- and middle income countries

We can´t forget to thank the eHealth Association their effort to hold this initiative and wish luck in all the other actions they want to carry. Let´s try to be there to help to some extent from our humble position

Videos from the presentations are available on:

Thanks to  @Storyhealthing the pictures.

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