Psicóloga llevando a cabo un tratamiento para la esclerosis multiple

Cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis

2.2kviewsBy: Soraya Vázquez Caro, psychologist at ADEMBI (Esclerosis Múltiple Euskadi) Our association has been offering the neuropsychology service since February 2006, given the need for it in people with multiple sclerosis, since it is estimated…

ficha digital para trabajar la orientación

Odd or even’, the new digital worksheet to work reasoning

4.5kviewsDespite the crisis, at NeuronUP we don’t stop creating new activities for you and your users! Today we are launching ‘Odd or Even’, a digital worksheet to work on reasoning. How is it played? In…

Estrenamos generador infantil para trabajar la memoria semántica

New generator for children to work on semantic memory – Tidy Up the Mess

13.1kviewsThis week at  NeuronUP we debut a new kids generator to work semantic memory. How is it played? The child has to relate the images to their corresponding categories. In addition, the categories are related…

Funciones o habilidades cognitivas, qué son, ejemplos y ejercicios para rehabilitarlas

Cognitive abilities or functions: definition, examples, and exercises for improving them

402.7kviews  Cognition or cognitive functions are mental processesthat allow us to receive, process and elaborate information. They allow individuals to have an active role in the processes of interaction, perception, and comprehension of the environment, which in…

Terapias intensivas en neurorrehabilitación: ¿aplicable solo a las funciones motoras?

Intensive therapies in neurorehabilitation: Only applicable to motor functions?

13.2kviewsThe effect of intensive therapies on the recovery of people from brain injury has been studied with increasing frequency in recent years. The results of these studies are starting to show the enormous potential of…

5 Actividades para mejorar las funciones ejecutivas

Activities to improve executive functions

191.6kviewsAs we promised, today we are sharing some activities to improve executive functions. Activities to improve executive functions:      1. Bottle Caps In this exercise, clients have to arrange the moving bottle caps in…

Las funciones ejecutivas: qué son, tipos y cómo mejorarlas

Executive functions: what they are, types, and how to improve them

25.8kviewsExecutive functions are higher-order skills involved in the energization, regulation, sound execution and on-line readjustment of goal-directed behaviors (Verdejo-García & Bechara, 2010). In other words, the executive functions are the “tools” that guide our actions,…

Ya está aquí NeuronUP Kids! Rehabilitación cognitiva para niños

NeuronUp Kids is here!

10.1kviewsNeuronUP continues to grow and this time the protagonists are the youngest members of the family. From today we offer you NeuronUP Kids, a new package of cognitive rehabilitation activities for children. This first package of activities…