combinar la rehabilitación cognitiva presencial y online

Combine face-to-face and online cognitive rehabilitation

4.5kviewsAfter more than two months of Covid-19 confinement many professionals are trying to gradually return to normal by reopening their clinics/practices. An ideal time to do it gradually by combining face-to-face and online cognitive rehabilitation….

telerrehabilitación telerehabilitación

NeuronUP: telerehabilitation platform for professionals

6.9kviewsCovid-19.   If you are a professional working in neurorehabilitation and cognitive stimulation and have arrived here looking for a solution help continue with your therapy interventions during this Covid-19 pandemic, we want to offer…

NeuronUP y Yetitablet se alían por la neurorrehabilitación

NeuronUP and Yetitablet join forces to advance neurorehabilitation

4.4kviewsNeuronUP and Yetitablet join forces to advance neurorehabilitation. Our cognitive stimulation platform has found the perfect ally to provide quality cognitive rehabilitation in this Finnish startup that specializes in the manufacturing of tablets. What is a…

NeuronUP renueva su página web

NeuronUP renews its website

5.8kviewsNeuronUP renews its website with a more visual and innovative design. This first renovation focuses primarily on three key sections: the explanation of cognitive rehabilitation, NeuronUP2GO and the theoretical framework. The first new content is…

Concurso Tú tienes la palabra: Escribe en nuestro Blog

Contest “You have the power”: Write in our Blog

6kviewsIn NeuronUP we know that the road to innovation and continuous improvement lies in the constant exchange of knowledge on the part of our professionals and users. We launch many tools for this: constant update…

Usabilidad y diseño en la rehabilitación de NeuronUP

Usability and Design on Rehab

5.7kviewsSince NeuronUP took his first steps, usability and user-centric care have been present both on the platform and activities. NeuronUP´s continuous improvement of the user experience, adapting contents to the specific needs of professionals and…

Si hasta ahora te ha gustado, ¡ahora viene lo bueno!

If up to now you like it..Now comes the good part!

7.4kviewsIt seems yesterday, and we already have been three years operating. Three intense years, full of joy and less happy situations, but always in an ongoing learning. A learning given by having and listening to…

Nosotros tampoco creemos en los videojuegos. Sobre valores ecológicos en rehabilitación

We don’t believe in videogames. About ecological validity in neuropsychological rehabilitation

6.6kviewsLast month we had the opportunity to share ideas regarding neuropsychological rehabilitation and new technologies with a lot of professionals at the INS Mid-Year Meeting in Amsterdam. It was a very interesting meeting in which…