Ángel Sánchez responde las dudas pendientes sobre su ponencia "Repercusiones funcionales de las apraxias"

Ángel Sánchez continues answering questions from his presentation “Functional consequences of apraxia”


Ángel Sánchez continues answering questions from his presentation “Functional consequences of apraxia”

On March 20th, Ángel Sánchez Cabeza, an occupational therapist with aMasters in Neuropathology,gave a free online presentation at NeuronUP Academy on the functional consequences of apraxia which was attended by more than 200 people. After his talk, a question and answer period was held, but due to time limits and the great interest of theaudience, some questions remained unanswered.For the sake of completeness, our speaker agreed to answer them later through our blog and, today, we are postinghis answers!

Before providing you with the answers to your questions, however, we, NeuronUP, would like to thank Ángel Sánchez Cabeza once again for his willingness and ability to answer your questions.

Questions from thepresentation “Functional consequences of apraxia ”

1. What evaluation instrumentswould you recommend to occupational therapists to communicate with the rest of the health care personneland to improve the effectiveness and reliability of treatment?

Regarding apraxia, ideally, it is best to use instruments that evaluate the impact of neurobehavioral impairment on functional performance of activities of daily living among people with neurological disorders such as the Structured Observational Test of Function (SOTOF) and the A-ONE scale.

2. Could you give us the names of some assessment tools?

There are many assessment tools available; among the most comprehensive tools are the Florida Apraxia Battery-Extended and Revised Sydney (FABERS), the Test of Upper Limb Apraxia (TULIA)—commonly used in the clinical setting—and a bedside screening test for apraxia, the Apraxia Screen of TULIA (AST), the abbreviated version of the TULIA.

3. Do you use verbal reinforcement whentraining ADLs or when using assessment tools?

Yes, providing feedback during motor training is essential for motor learning. Combining feedback from different sensory modalities is recommended in the rehabilitation of this type of alterations.

4. Could you tell us something about mirror therapy?

Mirror therapy offers useful feedback onmanipulation tasks that may contribute to enhance motor control of the affected limb. Mirror therapy also allows patientsto use objects withspecific features. While there are no studies on the subject, the role of the mirror neuron system in motor learning has been confirmed and it is interesting to evaluate this option for therapeutic purposes for the improvement of apraxia. Priming involved in the activation of this system regarding cognitive resources related to motor performance may contribute to improve motor performance, as is the case when we ask patients to use motor imagery techniques prior to the performance of the actual action.

5. Could you providea list of references?

There are many bibliographical references on this subject; it would be best to do a search of PubMed by keyword (“apraxia” in this case) orby study type (review, clinical trial, etc.)to have access to the needed references. Additionally, there are books which may be of interest such as Goldenberg, G. (2013). Apraxia: The cognitive side of motor control. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.



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