Te recomendamos un libro de neuropsicología infantil

Pediatric Neuropsychology Book: Recommended Reading


Continuing education is essential for psychologists. For this reason, we, at NeuronUP, would like to recommend a recently published book entitled Neuropsicología infantil.

Neuropsicología Infantil, edited by Doctors Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla, Diego Rivera, and Laiene Olabarrieta Landa, collects normative data for neuropsychological tests in pediatric populations from Colombia (ages 6 to 17).

This Pediatric Neuropsychology book also contains chapters that addressthe development of the main cognitive functions and the most common cognitive disorders and impairments in children and adolescents, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, and pediatric neuropsychological assessment.

The Pediatric Neuropsychology book is the product of a team of 16 professionals from different cities in the country who, together with more than 150 research assistants, joined forces to carry out work that will undoubtedly contribute to improve the professional practice of neuropsychology in Colombia.

Table of contents of the Pediatric Neuropsychology book:

Chapter I

Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Neuropsychology.

Chapter II 

Neuropsychology of Learning Disabilities.

Chapter III

Intellectual Disability in Pediatric Populations.

Chapter IV

Pediatric Neuropsychological Assessment.

Chapter V

Methodology for the development of normative data for the Colombian pediatric population (6-17 years of age).

Chapter VI

Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test: Normative data for the Colombian pediatric population (6-17 years of age).

Chapter VII

Stroop Color-Word Test:Normative data for the Colombian pediatric population (6-17 years of age).

Chapter VIII

Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test(M-WCST):Normative data for the Colombian pediatric population (6-17 years of age).

Chapter IX

Trail Making Test (TMT):Normative data for the Colombian pediatric population (6-14 years of age) .

Chapter X                        

Symbol Digit Modalities Test:Normative data for the Colombian pediatric population (6-17 years of age).

Chapter XI

Shortened Version of the Token Test:Normative data for the Colombian pediatric population (6-17 years of age).

Chapter XII

Concentration Endurance Test (d2 Test): Normative data for the Colombian pediatric population (6-17 years of age). 

Chapter XIII

Verbal Fluency Tests: Normative data for the Colombian pediatric population (6-17 years of age).

Chapter XIV

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III:Normative datafor the Colombian pediatric population (6-17 years of age).

Chapter XV

Newly developed Learning and Verbal Memory Test (TAMV-I): Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population (6-17 years of age).

Chapter XVI

Newly developed Learning and Verbal Memory Test (TAMV-I): Normative data for the Colombian pediatric population (6-17 years of age).



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