Tercera ponencia de Javier Tirapu sobre neuropsicología de las funciones ejecutivas

Third presentation by Javier Tirapu on neuropsychology of executive functions

6.2kviewsThe National Clinical Neuroscience Award, Javier Tirapu, will give the third of three free online lectures on neuropsychology of executive functions for NeuronUP Academy. This third presentation will take place on February 6 at 3.30…

Segunda ponencia de Javier Tirapu sobre neuropsicología de las funciones ejecutivas

Second presentation by Javier Tirapu on neuropsychology of executive functions

6.4kviewsThe National Clinical Neuroscience Award, Javier Tirapu, will give the second of two free online lectures on neuropsychology of executive functions for NeuronUP Academy. This second presentation will take place on November 21 at 3.30…

Past NeuronUP Academies are now available on the platform

Past NeuronUP Academies are now available on the platform

4.6kviewsYou’ve been asking for them and now they’ve arrived!  Starting today, NeuronUP clients will be able to revisit past NeuronUP Academy presentations.  Whether you want to rewatch or you missed out on the live presentation,…

mindfulness aplicado en terapia

Dr Sheldon Herring – The Conscious Therapist: Mindfulness Applied

3kviews Information on the free online presentation Title of the conference: “The Conscious Therapist: Mindfulness Applied”     This NeuronUP Academy presentation was the second of 2 presentations in conjunction with a course for the…

Ponencia gratuita de Javier Tirapu sobre neuropsicologia en funciones ejecutivas

Free lecture (in Spanish) by Javier Tirapu on neuropsychology in executive functions

5.4kviewsThe National Clinical Neuroscience Award, Javier Tirapu, will give two free online lectures on neuropsychology in executive functions for NeuronUP Academy. The first one will take place on October 3rd at 3.30 p.m. (time in…

Ponencia online de la Dra. Amy Rosenbaum y el Dr. Keith Ganci sobre la aplicación clínica de la rehabilitación cognitiva basada en la evidencia

Dual presentation – Dr. Amy Rosenbaum and Dr. Keith Ganci

4.5kviews“Clinical Application of Evidence-Based Cognitive Rehab. Considerations Based on Impairment Severity and Treatment Setting.”Date: Monday, May 6, 2019 “Clinical Application of Evidence-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Strategies: Considerations Based on Impairment Severity and Treatment Setting.” Amy Rosenbaum…

¡¡¡Tú decides las ponencias de NeuronUP Academy 2019!!!

You Decide The Topics of the Presentations of NeuronUP Academy 2019!!!

3.4kviewsNeuronUP Academy is one year old and here at NeuronUP we want to celebrate this anniversary by making you part of its new edition. We want you decide the topics for the presentations and the…

El presidente de la Sociedad Española de Neurorrehabilitación, Manuel Murie, impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre neurorrehabilitación

El presidente de la Sociedad Española de Neurorrehabilitación, Manuel Murie, impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre neurorrehabilitación

6.5kviewsEl Doctor Manuel Murie Fernández, neurólogo y presidente de la Sociedad Española de Neurorrehabilitación, , impartirá una ponencia online y gratuita en NeuronUP Academy titulada “Neurorrehabilitación, dónde, cuándo y porqué” el martes 18 de diciembre a…