Ficha de atención con números

NeuronUP attention worksheet with numbers


It’s time to work on attention with numbers! We present you a new adult worksheet to work selective attention: Count stimuli by type.

How is it played?

This NeuronUP activity consists of counting the number of elements of each type. You have to take into account that as you level up, the difficulty increases as there are more elements put into the mix and they will be more and more alike.

The following example is a mid-level worksheet:

Ficha de atención con números
The worksheet for attention: Count Stimuli by Type

It’s not so easy with a quick glance, is it? You have to concentrate and pay attention 😉

What cognitive function is worked?

This activity works selective attention.

Improved paper version

This file was already available in paper format, but we have renewed and improved it! Before this activity was available with drawings and now the worksheets are available with real images.

We have also included many more exercises.

Here’s an example of an easy level worksheet:

Count Stimuli by Type

Application in daily life of this exercise to work attention with numbers

This activity can be extrapolated to many real-life tasks, such as counting forks, knives and spoons needed when setting the table according to the number of guests.

Children’s version of this attention sheet with numbers

This activity has its origin in the children’s worksheet, How Many of Each Are There?. It also works selective attention and consists of counting how many elements there are of each. It is also available on paper.

What’s changed? The design is totally directed to the children’s tastes, as you can see in the following image::

Ficha de atención con números
Kid’s worksheet: How Many of Each Are There?.

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