Herramienta profesional de neurorrehabilitación

Trabaja con sesiones para ahorrar tiempo y mejorar tu organización

Work with NeuronUP sessions to save time

1.4kviewsTime with your patients is limited, so why waste it on finding, creating and gathering materials, and why not invest it directly in intervention with your patients? Work with NeuronUP sessions to save time and…

Actividades personalizadas para aumentar la motivación de tus usuarios

Customized cognitive stimulation activities to increase your patients’ motivation

2.3kviewsDo you find it difficult to keep your users motivated? Does it take hours to create stimulating activities for each of them? In this post we explain you how to create personalized activities with NeuronUP…

Todas las ventajas de crear usuarios en NeuronUP

Advantages of creating patients in the NeuronUP platform

1.1kviewsHow many systems do you use to save your patients’ reports, their files, their evolution, you session notess? In this post we explain you all the advantages of creating patients and using the patient management…

El neurólogo Asier Gómez responde a las dudas sobre su ponencia de epilepsia

Neurologist Asier Gómez answers questions about his epilepsy presentation

2.3kviewsNeurologist Asier Gómez answers questions about his epilepsy talk last March in NeuronUP Academy from NeuronUP Doubts and Questions for Asier Gomez’s Epilepsy presentation Gema Diaz Blancat: What do you think of the use of cannabidiol…

Ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva ejemplos prácticos

10 Cognitive rehabilitation exercises: practical examples

62.2kviewsCognitive stimulation or cognitive rehabilitation is a set of techniques to improve the functioning of cognitive abilities, as explained in this previous post. Today we propose 10 cognitive rehabilitation exercises: cognitive rehabilitation exercises for children,…

Respuesta a las dudas de la ponencia de personas con síndrome de Down

Laura Videla answers questions about her presentation on people with Down syndrome

1kviewsNeuropsychologist Laura Videla responds to pending questions about her presentation on neuropsychological assessment of cognitive impairment in people with Down syndrome, which was given in March 2020 in #YoMeQuedoEnCasa learning with #NeuronUPAcademy. If you would…

Marta Balagué responde a las dudas sobre su ponencia sobre la actualización en el diagnóstico de afasias progresivas primarias

Marta Balagué answers questions about her lecture on the update in the diagnosis of primary progressive aphasias

1.6kviewsMarta Balagué, clinical neuropsychologist with more than 15 years of experience in neuropsychological diagnosis in the field of neurodegenerative processes, answers the questions about her presentation on the update on the diagnosis of primary progressive…

¿Cómo trabaja una Fundación Síndrome de Down? La labor de FUNDOWN

How do you work in a Down Syndrome Foundation? The work of FUNDOWN

1.3kviewsThe Down Syndrome Foundation of the Region of Murcia (FUNDOWN) will explain the work of its foundation and the actions and programs it develops to help people with Down syndrome in its foundation. FUNDOWN was…