5 actividades de estimulación cognitiva para niños que debes conocer

The 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children that you should know about


Our last blog entry was dedicated to the 5 most popular cognitive stimulation activities for adults. Today’s post focuses on kids. We are about to explain the 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children most used by NeuronUP professionals in 2016.

Cognitive Stimulation Activities for Children:

1. The Magic Word

The classic word search puzzle remains the cognitive stimulation activity most chosen among professionals to improve attention in kids.

NeuronUP offers therapists the possibility of customizing the word search to stimulate patients by using words from their daily life. For example, creating a customized word search with the names of their school friends:

cognitive stimulation activities for children-the magic word

2. Follow the path

Follow the path is an activity to improve alternating attention and inhibition. The child must follow the steps marked on the pictures to reach the castle. A range of difficulty levels is also available so that the professional can adjust the task to the needs of each child.

Basic Level

cognitive stimulation activities for children-follow the path-basic

Advanced Level

cognitive stimulation activities for children-follow the path-advanced

Now it’s more difficult, right? Think you can do it? Try it! The solution is in the picture below.

cognitive stimulation activities for children-follow the path-advanced correct

3. Common items

Common items is the perfect activity for improving selective attention and semantic memory. Children have to select a number of specific items from among a group of stimuli. For example, in the next picture, children have to identify objects that are typically used in winter:

cognitive stimulation activities for children-follow the path-common items

4. Hide-and-seek with letters

This cognitive stimulation activity for children involves searching for the given letter among a group of letters. It targets selective attention in particular. Be careful: it is easy to leave some out!

cognitive stimulation activities for children-hide-and-seek-with letters

5. Animal Pairs

Matching cards, another classic in cognitive stimulation, consists of finding the matching pairs among the face-down cards. In this case, the professional trains the kid’s episodic memory, selective attention, as well as working memory.

cognitive stimulation activities for children-animal pairs

As you can see, NeuronUP also provides the professional with the opportunity to number the cards in the event of group therapy, thus making the identification of the exact card to which the children are alluding to easier.


8 thoughts on “The 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children that you should know about

  1. Manuela Miragaya Wednesday June 12th, 2019 at 02:26 PM

    Muy completo el artículo.
    Pero a partir de qué edad permite el programa estimular cognitivamente a los niños. Por ejemplo ¿Podría utilizar el software para estimulación temprana en niños menores de dos años?

    • NeuronUP Wednesday July 17th, 2019 at 11:25 AM

      Hola Manuela,

      NeuronUP es un programa de rehabilitación y estimulación cognitiva para profesionales. Nuestras actividades enfocadas en niños están dirigidas a niños entre 3 y 11 años. A partir de esa edad el plan adecuado para ellos sería el de adultos.

      ¿Te ha quedado claro? ¿Necesitas alguna información extra?

      ¡Gracias por tu interés!


  2. consuelo Thursday June 3rd, 2021 at 06:21 AM

    Un favor como es el juego sigue el camino.

    • NeuronUP Thursday June 3rd, 2021 at 11:36 AM

      Hola Consuelo, sigue el camino es una actividad para trabajar la atención alternante y la inhibición en la que el niño debe seguir los pasos que marcan los dibujos para llegar hasta el castillo. Además tiene diferentes niveles para que el profesional ajuste el ejercicio a las necesidades de cada niño.

  3. mercedes Tuesday July 6th, 2021 at 05:54 AM

    muchas gracias me fue de utilidad

    • NeuronUP Tuesday July 6th, 2021 at 12:13 PM

      ¡Genial! Nos alegra oír eso Mercedes 😊

  4. juan davibobadilla Wednesday September 29th, 2021 at 06:11 PM

    no me ayudan

    • NeuronUP Thursday September 30th, 2021 at 11:05 AM

      Hola Juan, ¿en qué podemos ayudarte? Un saludo.

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