Course on psychotic disorders: neurocognitive assessment and rehabilitation, in social cognition and metacognition
Introduction to the course on psychotic disorders
Since Kraepelin in the early 20th century coined the concept of “early dementia“, to designate what we call today as schizophrenia, the presence of certain deficits in attention, memory, executive functions, etc., has always been suspected in the case of these people.
Later, with the so-called “cognitive revolution“, which took place between the 1960s and 1970s, and the development of constructs such as social cognition (understood as the cognitive processes involved in how people think about themselves, other people, social situations and interactions) or metacognition (defined as cognition over cognition), the increased development and knowledge of these constructs also leads to the suspicion that people diagnosed with psychosis might present problems in these areas.
To date, and after much accumulated empirical evidence regarding whether people with psychosis present deficits in the previously mentioned areas, the results make it clear that such problems, to a greater or lesser degree, are present in psychosis. In this sense, if such deficits were not more significant or did not affect multiple areas of the person’s community functioning, they might not be as relevant as they are today. However, there is also much evidence accumulated over the last century that states that these problems sometimes interfere in a very important way with the psychosocial functioning of the people who present them.
Therefore, given the relevance of evaluating and intervening on the areas mentioned above, the course on psychotic disorders presented below, belonging to the company Conciencia Formación and created by Dr. Carlos Rebolleda Gil, specifically covers, based on the latest scientific evidence, the ways to evaluate and rehabilitate at a neurocognitive level, in social cognition and in metacognition, patients with psychotic disorders, in order to help them reduce their limitations and improve their quality of life.
Objectives of the Psychotic Disorders Course
Overall Objectives
- To acquire knowledge about the most common deficits at a neurocognitive level (in social cognition and metacognition) in psychotic disorders.
- Knowing tools for the evaluation of the most affected areas
- Learn about techniques and structured programs that have proven effective in improving these areas.
Specific objectives
- The main functions and deficits, both neurocognitive and in social cognition and metacognition.
- The main evaluation tools recommended for the areas susceptible to affect
- The basic principles, techniques and strategies of neurocognitive rehabilitation and for improving the abilities and functions associated with social cognition and metacognition.
- The main programs that have demonstrated scientific evidence of improvement.
- Different strategies for generalization to improve the user’s daily functioning.
Contents of the Psychotic Disorders Course
Block I. Neurocognition
Unit 1. Introduction
Definition. Principles of cognitive rehabilitation practice. Cognitive rehabilitation in psychotic disorders.
Unit 2. Attention
Definition. Evaluation. Deficits in psychosis. Care rehabilitation techniques.
Unit 3. Memory
Definition. Evaluation. Deficits in psychosis. Memory rehabilitation techniques.
Unit 4. Processing speed.
Definition. Evaluation. Deficits in psychosis. Processing speed rehabilitation techniques.
Unit 5. Executive Functions.
Definition. Evaluation. Deficits in psychosis. Rehabilitation techniques in executive functions.
Unit 6. Work memory.
Definition. Evaluation. Deficits in psychosis. Rehabilitation techniques in working memory.
Unit 7. Verbal Fluency.
Definition. Evaluation. Deficits in psychosis. Rehabilitation techniques in verbal fluency.
Unit 8. The MATRICS Committee
The creation of the MATRICS Committee. Objectives of the MATRICS committee. Consensus on the measures to be used for the measurement of neurocognitive areas.
Unit 9. Main neurocognitive rehabilitation programs in psychosis.
Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET). Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT). Integrated Psychological Therapy (IPT). Cognitive Rehabilitation Program in Psychosis (REHACOP)
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Block II. Social Cognition
Unit 10. Introduction
Definition. Social cognition and its relationship to psychotic disorders.
Unit 11. Emotional Processing
Definition. Evaluation. Deficits in psychosis
Unit 12. Social Perception/Knowledge
Definition. Evaluation. Deficits in psychosis
Unit 13. Theory of Mind
Definition. Evaluation. Deficits in psychosis
Unit 14. Attributional Style
Definition. Evaluation. Deficits in psychosis
Unit 15. Recommendation of the MATRICS committee for the evaluation of Social Cognition in psychotic disorders: Mayer-Salovey- Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)
Consensus of the MATRICS committee about the measure to be used for the evaluation of the Social Cognition area. The model of the four branches of Emotional Intelligence. Mayer-Salovey- Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). Deficits in Emotional Intelligence in psychosis. Research in psychosis using the MSCEIT
Unit 16. Main programs for the improvement of Social Cognition in psychosis.
Training of Affect Recognition (TAR). Emotion Management Training (EMT). Integrated Psychological Therapy (IPT). Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy for Schizophrenia Patients (INT). Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT) Social Cognition and Interaction Training (SCIT) Cognitive Rehabilitation in Psychosis Program (REHACOP)
Unit 17. Introduction.
Introduction. Components of Metacognition in psychosis. Deficits in psychosis.
Unit 18. Evaluation.
The Metacognition Assessment Scale Abbreviated (MAS-A). Other assessment instruments.
Unit 19. Rehabilitation.
Metacognitive Training for Psychosis (MCT). Metacognitive Oriented Social Skills Training (MOSST)
Other information of interest
- Target group: health professionals in contact with these patients (especially from the mental health area, such as psychologists and psychiatrists)
- Mode: Online.
- Estimated duration: 117 hours to be carried out in a maximum of 10 months.
- Price: The course costs 700 euros. For a limited time, you can sign up for 300 euros.
- In addition to the theoretical aspects that are set out in each of the units that are collected in a manual created specifically for this course, the units include multiple readings that will allow you to significantly extend your knowledge of the different topics.
- All the units have a self-evaluation test consisting of 5 questions about crucial topics, as well as a final evaluation consisting of 50 questions belonging to all the units of the course.
- Finally, it should be noted that the creator of the course content will also act as a tutor during the course and will be available to answer all the questions and issues raised.
Where can I sign up for the course on psychotic disorders?
Direct access link
You can sign up for the course on psychotic disorders at the following link: https://bit.ly/2PwUqWX
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