¿Para qué sirve un terapeuta ocupacional?

What is occupational therapy good for?

39.6kviewsThe 27th of October is World Occupational Therapist Day, and from our cognitive rehabilitation platform we want to give a shout out to the importance of occupational therapy and its professionals in the rehabilitation and…

NeuronUP vuelve al cole con cuatro nuevas actividades infantiles

Back To School With Four New Activities For Kids

14.9kviews The Back to School reaches NeuronUP with four activities for cognitive exercises for children. A game and three generators focused on basic language and mathematics. Firstly, we present “Find Toby”, a game in which…

NeuronUP renueva su página web

NeuronUP renews its website

5.7kviewsNeuronUP renews its website with a more visual and innovative design. This first renovation focuses primarily on three key sections: the explanation of cognitive rehabilitation, NeuronUP2GO and the theoretical framework. The first new content is…

Ya está aquí NeuronUP Kids! Rehabilitación cognitiva para niños

NeuronUp Kids is here!

10.2kviewsNeuronUP continues to grow and this time the protagonists are the youngest members of the family. From today we offer you NeuronUP Kids, a new package of cognitive rehabilitation activities for children. This first package of activities…

Principales ventajas de la intervención cognitiva 3.0

Advantages of the Intervention 3.0

5.3kviewsIt’s been 16 years since we changed the millennium. Our present was the distant future a few years ago, where the imagination proposed advances in all facets of our lives: travel, medicine and, why not,…

El poder real de la música. Efectos terapéuticos de la música en el cerebro

The Power of Music

12.4kviews[yasr_visitor_votes size=”medium”]   Therapeutic effects of music Who hasn’t ever turned on the music while driving so as not to fall asleep? Who hasn’t tried to learn something by heart by singing it to a…

Un acercamiento al Síndrome de Asperger en su Día Internacional

A Approach to Asperger´Syndrom on its International Day

12.3kviewsIn recent years the number of diagnoses of “Asperger´s Syndrome” has increased, a pathology on which there are still many issues that need to be resolved. Coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of…

Concurso Tú tienes la palabra: Escribe en nuestro Blog

Contest “You have the power”: Write in our Blog

5.9kviewsIn NeuronUP we know that the road to innovation and continuous improvement lies in the constant exchange of knowledge on the part of our professionals and users. We launch many tools for this: constant update…