eHealth somos todos

We all are eHealth

9.5kviewsLast week we attended the I Tomando el Pulso a la Salud Digital Meeting (Checking the Pulse of eHealth) organized by the eHealth Association. For those who don´t know it, this Association´s objective is to…

Usabilidad y diseño en la rehabilitación de NeuronUP

Usability and Design on Rehab

5.7kviewsSince NeuronUP took his first steps, usability and user-centric care have been present both on the platform and activities. NeuronUP´s continuous improvement of the user experience, adapting contents to the specific needs of professionals and…


Assessment or Intervention, That is the question

5kviewsWhen we started and NeuronUP was just an idea in our minds, we were sure that we wanted to invent and design a tool aimed at the daily professional/patient intervention. By that time our internal…

Si hasta ahora te ha gustado, ¡ahora viene lo bueno!

If up to now you like it..Now comes the good part!

7.2kviewsIt seems yesterday, and we already have been three years operating. Three intense years, full of joy and less happy situations, but always in an ongoing learning. A learning given by having and listening to…

Diez aspectos clave si planteas una tecnología sociosanitaria

Ten key points to consider in socio-sanitary technology development

6kviewsWhen thinking about product development, it’s important to use a multidisciplinary approach. Doing so allows for the consideration of relevant issues which will lead to an integrated product, which is not only more attractive to…

Nosotros tampoco creemos en los videojuegos. Sobre valores ecológicos en rehabilitación

We don’t believe in videogames. About ecological validity in neuropsychological rehabilitation

6.5kviewsLast month we had the opportunity to share ideas regarding neuropsychological rehabilitation and new technologies with a lot of professionals at the INS Mid-Year Meeting in Amsterdam. It was a very interesting meeting in which…

NeuronUP presente en el Mid-year Meeting International Neuropsychological Society

NeuronUP joined the Mid-year Meeting International Neuropsychological Society

4.4kviewsNeuronUP is in Amsterdam for the Mid-year Meeting International Neuropsychological Society (July 10-13, 2013). Theme for this meeting will be Evidence-Based Neuropsychology: Fundamentals, Assessment and Treatment.  Visit the following link:

NeuronUP está presente en el Annual American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Conference 2013

NeuronUP joined the Annual American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Conference 2013

4.7kviewsWe are in Chicago for the Annual American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Conference 2013 as a sponsor. If you want to know more, click here: