¡Crea tu villancico personalizado con NeuronUP!

Create your personalized Christmas carol with NeuronUP!


This year will be one of the strangest Christmas of our lives. Covid-19 has changed everything, but its up to us to live this Christmas in the best possible way. And at NeuronUP we want to help you to achieve it.  That’s why we have designed a Christmas game that consists of creating a personalized Christmas carol so that your patients can surprise their family and friends with a different kind of happiness.

Create your own personalized Christmas Carol

Create your Christmas Carol

Just follow these steps:

  1. Click here.
  2. Select a background and click on “Start”

3. Move a character to the stage

neuronup xmas carol



4. Select an instrument and drag it to the character


5. Repeat until all characters are on the stage and have an instrument

6. When you have finished, click on “Play” and you can listen to your Christmas carol!

7. When you have finished listening to the entire carol, click on the “Share” button and send your personalized Chrsitmas carol to your family and friends.

8. Click on “create new” and create another Christmas carol.  Do it as many times as you like.

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